I know this may sound ludicrous, but it took me some years to mature to the decision to buy a red handbag. Although I have dreamt of adding a red beauty to my collection, I was not entirely convinced if I had enough attitude to pull it off and whether I could actually find anything in my closet to coordinate with such as daring, statement accessory. Yes, I am aware that those who have seen the size of my wardrobe might beg to differ… On top of that, I like to make a good use out of my bags to justify the small fortune usually spent on them and in the case of a red bag, I was dubious that I would be receiving much value for money. Not mentioning that the idea of confining an exquisite fashion item to life in a box for it to never see the light of day seems positively cruel 😉.
So I waited and waited and, eventually, when I could wait no longer I tasked one of my nearest and dearest with going to a boutique and purchasing one for me. That is, in case I was hit with a new wave of doubts, again. To be sure that I was definitely going to love what I saw, I opted for a design I was already familiar with, the ever so chic Serpenti Forever bag from Bvlgari. And so my journey with the crimson accessory began.

So is the red bag a sensible purchase? It seems that the world of online fashion reviews is firmly split in the middle. Some swear blind that the colour red is the new nude and, thus, exceptionally versatile and matching nearly everything, while others view it more as an impractical colour with limited usability. As much as I absolutely adore my red bag, I do not think it will be replacing my beloved nudes and neutrals any time soon. However, owning one has helped me to dispel certain misconceptions about this attention commanding scarlet accessory and appreciate its adaptability and ability to compliment many different patterns and hues. And this is precisely what I wanted to explore in this post.

It contrasts those awkward patterns
I love patterned fabrics. Floral motifs, geometric shapes, heart designs, monochrome and animal prints, you name it, I adore them all. The only trouble with busy pattern textiles is that they tend to dominate over shoes and bags relegating even the most beautiful accessory to a supporting role. But this is where the red bag shakes things up. While, understandably, red will never blend with every design under the sun, it will effortlessly hold its own by injecting a splash of colour contrasting against many polychrome fabrics. This bright accent will complement patterns rather than compete for attention in its own right.

It goes with many, many colours
If you are not a patterns’ person, there are still many other colour options to match your red bag with. Black is certainly one of the most natural choices for that perfect partnership. While black may convey quite a serious, harsh impression, a pop of red will give it a bit of zing and elevate the outfit to a completely different level. The same will apply to navy blue which, when combined with a red accessory, will create a match made in heaven. Other colours which love a splash of red are whites, greys and neutrals such as beige, cream and taupe. A statement red bag will not only compliment the toned-down hues but also add a bit of flavour to an otherwise bland and understated outfit.

It is timeless
Seasonal trends may be short-lived but some accessories never go out of fashion, and one of them is definitely a red handbag. How many items of clothing or accessories have you bought which were worn once or twice but, subsequently, ended up at the back of your wardrobe or even in a bin because they were no longer a la mode? It is unlikely that your red charm will meet such unfortunate fate. Because of its ability to enhance many different shades and patterns, the magical crimson accessory will always stay relevant and in vogue, regardless of what the hottest fashion fad might be.

There are many different shades of red to suit individual taste
Still unconvinced whether a red bag is your kind of thing? Think again! There is a red bag for everyone. Even those in favour of a more subdued look who shun bald, attention grabbing colours can find something to suit their individual style. Thanks to the vast array of shades of red which include anything from scarlet, coral, terracotta to burgundy and maroon, everyone can find a tone they feel comfortable with. Personally, I lean towards the classic bright red but I also love the look of coral and black cherry red. Which one is your favourite?

Photos by Irene Pedrosa and Unwrapped.Fashion
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